St Michael’s CE Primary Academy, is a one-form entry school situated in Handsworth, Birmingham - close to the iconic Jewellery Quarter. We celebrate the richly diverse makeup of our school and recognise that the children, their families and the wider community that we serve in Handsworth is not deficit, but a community that has long been underserved. As a result, aspirational outcomes for our children are of the upmost importance and the culture of Talk for Writing has been instrumental in our success.
We started our Talk for Writing journey in 2021 and instantly knew that the primacy on ‘talk’ would not only result in confident storytellers, but children who possess a command of literary language both orally and in written form. We take great pride in our rich and ambitious curriculum, with texts that: reflect the community that we serve, challenge stereotypes, affirm identity and provide excellent models of literacy.
Considering Talk for Writing? Already began the journey? Come and see St Michael’s, Handsworth where Talk for Writing is embedded across the school from Reception to Year 6. Organised ‘open morning’ visits to St. Michael’s Showcase School will include opportunities to witness Talk for Writing being showcased in classrooms, discuss the intent behind our English curriculum overview and speak to our leaders about outcomes in children’s books.
Current training offered
Upcoming dates
Thursday 10th October 9am - 12pm
Thurssday 5th December 9am - 12pm
Cost £75.
• Demonstrating teaching and learning through TfW in the classroom with children.
• A chance to look at books and outcomes
• We will discuss and share our school TfW overview
• Provide opportunities to talk to our senior leadership about the implementation and impact of TfW
Nasreen Begum
Tel no: (0121) 554 7818
“Deep commitment to families and their physiological needs as well as their ultimate flourishing, hand in hand with the bespoke, aspirational curriculum for the pupils of Handsworth, has resulted in transformation of the school.”