Polegate Primary School is a three-form entry primary school and nursery situated close to the Eastbourne coast. The school was judged as Outstanding by OFSTED in 2020.
At Polegate, we build our school’s culture around striving to be better and aiming for ‘Infinity and beyond!’. Our priority is to offer the best opportunities to all of our pupils and we realised early on in our journey that embedding Talk for Writing (TfW) within our curriculum would enhance this.
We introduced TfW in the Autumn 2020 and we haven’t looked back since. We continue to develop a community of writers who have a true passion for their craft.
Oracy is at the heart of our writing curriculum and means we have a writing curriculum that is accessible to all. Our use of rich language and the quantity of written work produced by pupils are just two areas that we feel TfW has supported us in.
TfW has allowed us to ensure a consistent, progressive approach to our teaching of writing. Our children are excited to write!
If you are considering introducing Talk for Writing or wondering how to develop TfW further in your school, come along to one of our showcase events. You will have the opportunity to see TfW in action and to talk with members of the school community. We look forward the sharing the wonder of TfW in our school with you.
Upcoming events
Open Morning
Polegate Primary School, East Sussex Oakleaf Drive, Polegate, East SussexPolegate Primary School, East Sussex ℹ️ Learn more about this school » Prices are per person. How to book this event Contact Hayley Giggs at h.giggs@polegate.e-sussex.sch.uk to book or enquire.
Open Morning
Polegate Primary School, East Sussex Oakleaf Drive, Polegate, East SussexPolegate Primary School, East Sussex ℹ️ Learn more about this school » Prices are per person. How to book this event Contact Hayley Giggs at h.giggs@polegate.e-sussex.sch.uk to book or enquire.
Hayley Giggs, Assistant Headteacher