Montgomery Primary Academy, Birmingham, West Midlands

Montgomery Primary Academy is one of the highest performing schools in the Midlands. Since joining Talk for Writing over ten years ago, the school has undergone an astonishing transformation.

In 2014, faced with mediocre results and an unexciting curriculum, Montgomery embarked on their school improvement journey with Talk for Writing at the very centre of their change. A decade later, the school has become a beacon within its community, celebrated for its high results, ambitious curriculum and exceptional personal development opportunities.

The way in which Montgomery rolled out and embedded Talk for Writing across the school is one of the reasons why over 80% of the pupils leave at age related expectations in reading, writing and maths, despite the fact that 98% of the school community have English as an additional language.


Montgomery Primary Academy are offering 'Talk for Writing in action' mornings to schools who are looking to implement or develop Talk for Writing in their setting.

Our training is aimed at headteachers, teachers, subject leaders and teaching assistants. We are more than happy to welcome individuals from schools, teams or working parties. For bespoke work, please contact the school on the email below.

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Event Series Montgomery – Open Morning

Open Morning

Montgomery Primary Academy, Birmingham White Rd, Sparkbook, Birmingham, West Midlands, United Kingdom

Montgomery Primary Academy, Birmingham ℹ️ Learn more about this school »   Our Talk for Writing in Action mornings include: The opportunity to see TfW in action in classrooms Talk to school leaders, teachers and children about how TfW works in our school Look at the progress and standard of writing in the books How to book this event To ...



Centre training webpage
Washing line Montgomery Primary Academy
"The best CPD I have ever had. You tailored the day to our specific requirements - everyone who presented was so inspiring and knowledgeable. Nothing beats talking to people doing it in a real setting knowing exactly what the challenges are and the next steps in the journey. " Julie Puxley, Headteacher, Katherine Semar School, Essex
Vocabulary display Montgomery Primary Academy
I don’t know if you understand the impact you have had on the children and staff across my schools. It is huge and will be long lasting.Mrs Kelly Stokes, Primary Lead of Sapientia Education Trust