Kingsbridge Primary School is a two-form entry primary school situated in South Devon. Our school serves a surprisingly diverse community, with children coming to us with a wide range of life experiences. We try to live by our ethos of care, respect, aspiration and equity in everything we do.
Talk for Writing was launched in January 2022. Since then, we have noticed the huge impact that this has had on our children’s confidence and engagement with writing, and in turn, the standards they are achieving.
Talk for Writing has also been a key strategy in the journey of improvement our school has been undertaking. Through high-quality, bespoke CPD delivered by our consultant, Maria Richards, and a deep level of consistency from the implementation of the approach, we have seen rapid improvement across the school.
If you would like to come and see a school that is on an exciting journey of innovation and improvement, come and visit Kingsbridge to find out how we have implemented the approach.
Upcoming events
Gareth Howells, Headteacher