Beacon Academy in Bodmin, Cornwall, was proudly accredited as a Talk for Writing Training centre in January 2022. The school has undergone rapid and sustained school improvement with Talk for Writing consultant Kaye Haywood as Headteacher.
Beacon is a vibrant and dynamic two form entry primary academy, with a thriving nursery, specialist SEN provision and children at its heart. 77% of pupils come from the most deprived wards nationally, with the number of children with SEND also significantly above the national average.
The team at Beacon have worked closely with Pie Corbett throughout their improvement journey. There has been a relentless drive to hone expertise across the school in the teaching of reading and writing using Talk for Reading and Writing principles.
In their most recent Ofsted report the teaching of English was highlighted as a strength, contributing to rapid and significant improvements in attainment and progress.
The Talk for Writing pedagogy is firmly and consistently embedded within the ethos and culture. The approach has transformed practice in all areas of teaching and learning.
Beacon now works with schools and colleagues across the South West to showcase best practice and deliver high quality training.
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Kaye Haywood