Looking for KS2 Talk for Writing training?

Pie Corbett and Jamie Thomas will be running live, in-person Talk for Writing at KS2 - Raising Standards in Writing courses around the UK in Spring and Summer 2025. Details here →

Book Talk for Writing online training courses

What delegates say about Talk for Writing online training courses

"This is without doubt the most useful CPD I've ever attended. Easy to understand practical advice to improve my teaching that I can implement immediately.”
"I now have a clear strategy for teachinig literacy that works and I can go away and implement. Can't wait to get going with it tomorrow.”
“Excellent course. Every week I have tried out the activities with my class and I have a whole host of ideas just ready to be tried out next year. Brilliant!”
"The course was brilliant and I learned so much. My teaching has improved and, best of all, I have seen the writing of my pupils improve too.”
“I've really enjoyed these sessions. Incredibly useful for my teaching. It worked really well splitting the content - thank you!”
"Thanks so much! Lots of great ideas.”
"Thank you so much - this was incredibly helpful.”
“This has been so useful and lovely being with people who are so passionate about Literacy. Thank you! Truly inspired, would do it all again!”
"I feel inspired and ready to face next term with a bucketful of ideas. Thank you both so much! ”

Talk for Writing in-person conferences

Pie Corbett is renowned for his inspirational training and feedback from delegates is consistently excellent. You can read quotes at the bottom of this page.

If you require a purchase order reference to appear on your invoice, this can be submitted via the online booking or emailed to finance@talk4writing.com. You will receive a confirmation email at the time of booking. Directions, course timings and an invoice will be emailed approximately 2-3 weeks before the event. Please be aware that sending a purchase order by email does not constitute a booking.

For general conference queries or changes affecting an existing booking, please email contact@talk4writing.com. For queries about conference invoices, please email finance@talk4writing.com.

Pie Corbett presenting Talk for Writing conference

What to expect

A comprehensive delegate resource pack, including the presentation slides is provided on arrival. We sit delegates at cabaret-style tables to allow room to make notes. Video clips of teaching are used to illustrate examples of good practice and, throughout the day, the learning is visualised through the Talk for Writing ‘washing line’ technique.
Breakfast catering for Talk for Writing conference

Our venues

We choose our venues carefully. Comprehensive directions will be provided by email prior to the conference. Talk for Writing Coordinator, Nick Batty, is on hand throughout the day to handle delegate requirements. All conferences include a hot fork buffet lunch and refreshments throughout the day.
Roving Books Talk for Writing Conference Bookshop

Conference bookshop

The Roving Books Children’s Bookshop attends all Talk for Writing conferences in order to give delegates the opportunity to see and buy a wonderful range of quality children’s books. We believe that good quality children’s literature is extremely important.

What delegates say about Talk for Writing conferences

“I feel like I've been turned inside out - in a good way!”Greater Depth Writing KS2
“100% useful. Built on the richness of the conference before. Relevant. Practical. Insightful. I am a Headteacher who has successfully implemented this across my last school. Raised attainment. Greater engagement. Now about to do again in new post. Thank you.”TALK FOR WRITING IN EY AND KS1
"I have never used Talk for Writing before, I am really looking forward to going back and trying it in my classroom. Very clearly explained with excellent visual aids.”TALK FOR WRITING IN KS2
“It has given me clarity as headteacher not only how TfW should be taught in the classroom but how it should be embedded across the school and impact on learning in all areas.”TALK FOR WRITING LEADERSHIP
“This was easily the best course I have attended in many years. Please come back!”AN INTRODUCTION TO TALK FOR WRITING
“I have been implementing Talk for Writing in school using the books and website materials, it was great to attend the training with Pie to develop my understanding of the process.”TALK FOR WRITING IN EY AND KS1
“Such an inspirational day. Great to see how you can make children with challenging backgrounds achieve more. Really interesting to see the links between Bold Beginnings and Talk for Writing.”WRITING IN EY AND KS1
“Always love the resource packs, so helpful to look back at when in school. So useful to have the pegged up notes to photograph too. Also great to have the recommended books to look at!”Greater Depth Writing KS2
“So many fantastic ideas to take back to school to share with staff! I know the children will love this!”TALK FOR WRITING IN KS2
“Very informative and delivered in a passionate and engaging way. Pie talks a great deal of sense! I enjoyed seeing the real work produced by children and the outcomes following the process. The video clips were really useful too and helped me to understand the context.”WRITING IN EY AND KS1
“Pie's enthusiasm was infectious. Lots of ideas I am keen to get started with.”TfW in Scotland EY P1 P2
“Amazing ideas to use in class. I know this course will directly improve my classroom and the achievement of the children within it.”Greater Depth Writing KS2