Talk for Writing expert Maria Richards explains how Pinterest can be a useful tool for managing and sharing resources. Pinterest is a virtual pin board that allows you to ‘pin’ useful resources, activities, ideas and sites from the web.
Utilising Apps for Talk for Writing
This article will explore a number of apps that lend themselves to the Talk for Writing process and ethos. Focusing on the Top 5 (according to Talk for Writing expert Maria Richards) in a number of categories, these apps will hopefully get you started on your iPad and Talk for Writing journey!
A-Z of poetry reading ideas
In this document Pie lists an A-Z of ideas for how a poem could be used in class.
Using formative assessment to underpin unit planning
This document looks at the importance of building formative assessment into planning.
Tell Me a Dragon teaching notes
These Teachers’ Notes have been specially written by Pie Corbett to assist teachers and librarians in the promotion and teaching of Tell Me a Dragon by Jackie Morris in schools and to help foster a love of good books, literature and reading in children.
Digging deeper into picture books
Voices in the Park author Anthony Browne is a former Children’s Laureate. His books are part of a game he plays with the readers. But Voices in the Park is more than surreal entertainment, it is rich in many layers of meaning. Here are 7 suggested Talk for Writing activities to deepen understanding.
Sightings of dragons
Pie Corbett outlines a work unit which includes diary entries, persuasive writing, shared writing, boxing up a recount and features four model texts. IMAGE: Alexander Zick (published 1899) [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons
Hook, line and sinker
Whether you’re after inside hooks, outside hooks, role play hooks or experience hooks, Talk for Writing trainer Jamie Thomas has it all covered and shares his hook ideas.
Independent writers
The aim of Talk for Writing is to grow independent writers. Here are some suggestions from Pie Corbett as to how this can be achieved in relation to narrative and non-fiction. He then looks at how such independence can be prepared for through the innovation stage of the Talk for Writing process.
Meerkat Mail KS1 Unit
Meerkat Mail is a KS1 cross-curricular unit of work underpinned by the Talk for Writing approach. It has been written by Talk for Writing trainer Carol Satterthwaite.