The Manor House

Talk for Writing Manor House model text

Talk for Writing trainer Jo Pearce explains how a model text can be used to help pupils become effective writers of suspense stories. Download the model text here, along with teaching notes and worked examples.

Little Vixen Street

A suspenseful model text by Talk for Writing Expert Dean Thompson, with accompanying teaching notes explaining how the text might be utilised to develop a unit of work: “Anthropomorphising the cunning or wily fox is a very popular idea in many stories”

Creating quality independent writing at Hallsville Primary

At Hallsville Primary, teachers have found that there is not one magic ingredient for creating quality independent writing, but many. What do they think is the most important? Reading: “We have found that the longer you linger with the text, the better the independent outcomes are”.

Short burst writing in the Talk for Writing sequence

Talk for Writing short burst writing tiger

Talk for Writing trainer, Maria Richards, explores how to teach writing well through Talk for Writing’s short burst approach: “Short burst writing has transformed the way I think about teaching writing skills and I have now seen how it can powerfully transform children as writers too. Plan it into your Talk for Writing sequences and find your transformations”.

Talk for Writing in secondary maths classrooms

Zeb Friedman, Maths Adviser and AST maths teacher shares the application of Talk for Writing in maths teaching at Varndean School, Brighton and Hove. “This was comparing maths to written communication in a direct and explicit way. The strategy that makes so much sense to me is ‘boxing up’”.