Rome wasn’t built in a day

Rome wasn’t built in a day. Talk for Writing Primary Expert Maria Richards explains why you must invest time and have a plan if you want to reap the potential benefits of Talk for Writing for your school.

Getting to the end point – real, quality independent writing

Learning Writing - Talk for Writing

Emma Mann, from Penn Wood Primary, tells us how they get their pupils to the end point – real, quality independent writing. The stages of Talk for Writing support ‘the end point’, i.e. getting children to write well independently. In order to do this, we follow ‘imitation, innovation, independent application’.

Creating seasoned writers at Summerhill

Talk for Writing student writing on how we hear

How a Talk for Writing project at Summerhill Primary School transformed writing: “As leaders, it has been exciting to watch the teachers grow in confidence and develop the ability to teach writing in a more creative way. There is a buzz of excitement around the school”.

Putting reading up front at Front Lawn Primary

Front Lawn Primary has been on a journey of improvement since 2013, when Talk for Writing was first introduced. Reading results are greatly improved with children making accelerated progress. As a result of teaching reading to the whole class, children are now more confident in discussing a text.

Getting Yew all Reading

Talk for Writing Yew Tree pupils sharing book

Maureen Carroll, Talk for Writing Lead at Yew Tree Primary in Birmingham, explains some of the steps the school has taken to embed a love of reading in the pupils: “Our main priority was developing a love of reading throughout the school in order to boost self-confidence…open up a world of unlimited opportunities”.

St Matthew’s CE Primary School, Birmingham

Paulette - Talk for Writing trainer

Having been awarded an MBE for Services to Education, Headteacher Paulette Osborne reflects on how Talk for Writing helped transform St Matthew’s CE Primary School, Nechells, Birmingham from a disaster into a shining example.

Outstanding evidence of the writing process at East Hunsbury

Liz Martin, project leader at East Hunsbury Primary Schol: “the format of units in our books, which illustrates the Talk for Writing process clearly, show the progress…but they also showed the strength of self-editing; an area clearly highlighted in the new curriculum…which fits perfectly with the TfW strategy”.

Raising expectations at Selby Community Primary

Ian Clennan, headteacher of Selby Community Primary School, explains how the Talk for Writing approach rescued writing from the doldrums in his school and has the potential to transform writing: “we have learned many things; the most important being that we had made things too easy for the children for far too long”.