Talk for Writing trainer, Maria Richards, explores how to teach writing well through Talk for Writing’s short burst approach: “Short burst writing has transformed the way I think about teaching writing skills and I have now seen how it can powerfully transform children as writers too. Plan it into your Talk for Writing sequences and find your transformations”.
Teaching science at Selby using Talk for Writing
Tom Wrigglesworth, Year 6 teacher at Selby Community Primary School, explains how the Talk for Writing approach can enhance learning in science and develop vocabulary across the curriculum.
Talk for Writing saves the day in Thailand!
A Foundation Stage teacher working at Penn Wood in Slough employed Talk for Writing methods when called upon to unexpectedly teach English to children living in a Thai village. By the end of the session they all understood the plot of The Gingerbread Man and were able to use the English words.
Story Songs CD ROM
Pie Corbett has collaborated with Early Years music expert Steve Grocott to produce the Story Songs CD ROM. This collection is about how to bring the story out of your songs and how to put music into your stories. Emphasising the musical elements of a story is a very good way of calling forth active engagement from a young audience.
Transforming Writing Project: Final Evaluation Report
Led by Pie Corbett, supported by Julia Strong, Transforming Writing was a two-year action research project which developed a model for the teaching and learning of writing that embedded formative assessment. Teachers and headteachers from 12 primary schools in challenging catchments were recruited.