This new unit by Jamie Thomas takes you through the Talk for Reading process using Rachel Bright’s excellent book, The Lion Inside.
Photos for Writing
Photos for Writing is a free teaching resource created by Pie Corbett (with photographs by Nicola Stables).It is a repository of ideas for using photos or other images in the classroom to spark writing.
An introduction to the Talk for Reading planning process
Talk for Writing consultant Jamie Thomas talks through the Talk for Reading planning process, discussing the importance of working with high- quality texts and using strategies that enable children to develop deep, meaningful understanding.
Grammar into Writing using Traction Man
Maria Richards walks you through how to plan lessons that teach grammar in context, using Mini Grey’s story Traction Man with a Year 2 group.
Top Drama Techniques to use in Talk for Writing and Talk for Reading
There’s nothing quite like using drama to allow children to deepen their understanding of a text, whether you’re studying it as a reader or studying it as a writer. Maria Richards, Talk for Writing Primary Expert, introduces a range of tried-and-tested drama activities that allow children to get below the surface of a text and interact with it at a …
Talk for Reading at KS1 – How to plan a unit
Talk for Writing and Reading consultant Jamie Thomas talks through the Talk for Reading planning process at KS1, discussing the importance of working with high-quality texts and using strategies that enable children to develop deep understanding.
Year 2: Insects Matter
This Talk for Writing English unit aims to engage children in becoming effectivewriters about something they care about. Many children are fearful of insects.This unit is designed to build children’s understanding of how important andfascinating insects are while honing their descriptive and instruction writingskills.
Year 1: Bee Our Friend: Appreciating Bees
This Talk for Writing English unit aims to engage children in reading, talkingand writing about bees. The unit focuses on the crucial part bees play inpollinating many of the foods we currently rely on to survive and involves thechildren in creating an environment in which bees can thrive.
Reception Unit: Butterflies and Caterpillars
Children are usually fascinated by how caterpillars turn into butterflies and bythe beauty of butterflies so, they are a great way to help children value thenatural world and become interested in protecting it.
Which Book and Why: Using Books Bands and book levels for guided reading in Key Stage 1 – edited by Sue Bodman and Glen Franklin
We want all children to love reading, and Which Book and Why demonstrates how effective guided reading for children in Foundation Stage and Key Stage 1 can help teachers make this happen. Balancing theory and practice, this book explores how schools and teachers can implement guided reading more confidently and more effectively. Which Book and Why draws together the teaching pedagogy underpinning guided reading. …