The Exquisite Corpse is a simple grammar game that creates interesting and often bizarre sentences. Pie explains how it’s played
Jumpstart Poetry by Pie Corbett
Jumpstart Poetry is about involving children as creative writers through writing poems. The book contains a bank of ideas that can be drawn upon when teaching poetry but also at other times to provide a source for creative writing that children relish. There are more than 100 quick warm-ups to fire up the brain.
Jumpstart Literacy by Pie Corbett
Jumpstart Literacy is a best-selling collection of simple to use, fun, multi-sensory games and creative lesson starters will ‘jumpstart’ pupils’ enthusiasm for literacy learning. For use at Key Stages 2 & 3 (ages 7-14).
Jumpstart Grammar by Pie Corbett and Julia Strong
Fully updated, the second edition of Jumpstart Grammar is a collection of simple-to-use, multi-sensory games and activities that will jumpstart pupils’ understanding of grammar in action. Jumpstart Grammar will prepare children for any grammar tests on the horizon in an engaging way.
Free percussion resources from Beat Goes On
Beat Goes On run Body Percussion with Literacy workshops, providing a new kinaesthetic creative route that allows for simultaneous development of literacy & musical skills. Download free percussion resources for developing rhythm here.
Body Percussion with Literacy workshops by Beat Goes On
Beat Goes On run Body Percussion with Literacy workshops. These are “a fun, creative approach to literacy based on our work with Pie Corbett. Using either set texts or children’s own written work, the workshop explores the rhythmic elements of the text. Together, we discuss pulse, emotion and how the words flow”
Music and literacy – Beat Goes On interviews Pie Corbett
Music can present familiar topics in new and memorable ways, improving the chance that children will retain both the subject matter and the musical ideas…The Beat Goes On team is consistently impressed with Pie Corbett’s work in this area, so we got in touch to see what gems of cross-curricular wisdom he could share.
Utilising Apps for Talk for Writing
This article will explore a number of apps that lend themselves to the Talk for Writing process and ethos. Focusing on the Top 5 (according to Talk for Writing expert Maria Richards) in a number of categories, these apps will hopefully get you started on your iPad and Talk for Writing journey!
Jumpstart imitation games
This document contains suggestions for ‘jumpstart’ imitation games – activities to stimulate children’s interest in and deepen their understanding of a story.
A-Z of poetry reading ideas
In this document Pie lists an A-Z of ideas for how a poem could be used in class.
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