All articles > Writing Articles about writing Writing toolkits - story secrets In this two-page document written by Pie Corbett, Pie explains how it can be useful for children to use writing toolkits when constructing a narrative. Pie focuses on using writing toolkits in these areas: 1. Characterisation and dialogue; 2. Description - people, places, objects, creatures; 3. Dilemma - suspense and action; and 4. Crafting the opening and ending. Teaching English creatively This is a 25-page document written by Pie Corbett. It is a key Talk for Writing resource in which Pie explains what is important when teaching English and also suggests a range of activities for teachers to use in the classroom. Inventing brand new stories Many schools now use the Imitate, Innovate and Independent Application/Invent process to teach writing using the Talk for Writing approach. However, out of the three stages, it seems to be the Independent Application/Invent stage that can prove to be the most challenging. So how do you invent a brand new story? Independent writers The aim of Talk for Writing is to grow independent writers. Here are some suggestions from Pie Corbett as to how this can be achieved in relation to narrative and non-fiction. He then looks at how such independence can be prepared for through the innovation stage of the Talk for Writing process. Moving from discursive non-fiction writing in English to discursive writing across the curriculum Upper KS2 teacher Jamie Grossmith shows how his class applied the skills they learnt about discursive writing in English to History, building their skills across a year. Teaching Handwriting Talk for Writing Primary Expert Emma Caulfield gives an introduction to the process of teaching and developing handwriting in school. The Tiger's Eye - Short-burst Writing In this free video and teaching notes, Pie looks at the power of short-burst writing. An ideal piece to use for staff meetings or to find out how to effectively use short-burst writing yourself. How to plan writing progression year-on-year This document is a teaching guide looking at which types of words and what level of grammar should be introduced at each year of the primary curriculum. The document has been updated in line with the 2016 grammar test requirements in England. Pie Corbett on 'Writing for Pleasure' Of course, if children, or any of us, love doing something then we are more likely to put in the practice and over time become more skilled. Whilst 'Reading for Pleasure' is enshrined in the National Curriculum, the powers that be have yet to make the same link into maths or science or 'Writing for Pleasure'. A new invention - inventing stories with young children How do we guide young children to invent new stories? Jane Ralphs explains how she and Pie Corbett got the children using props and story maps to independently tell their own stories, through a project in Haringey. Jumpstart imitation games This document contains suggestions for 'jumpstart' imitation games - activities to stimulate children's interest in and deepen their understanding of a story.
Writing toolkits - story secrets In this two-page document written by Pie Corbett, Pie explains how it can be useful for children to use writing toolkits when constructing a narrative. Pie focuses on using writing toolkits in these areas: 1. Characterisation and dialogue; 2. Description - people, places, objects, creatures; 3. Dilemma - suspense and action; and 4. Crafting the opening and ending. Teaching English creatively This is a 25-page document written by Pie Corbett. It is a key Talk for Writing resource in which Pie explains what is important when teaching English and also suggests a range of activities for teachers to use in the classroom. Inventing brand new stories Many schools now use the Imitate, Innovate and Independent Application/Invent process to teach writing using the Talk for Writing approach. However, out of the three stages, it seems to be the Independent Application/Invent stage that can prove to be the most challenging. So how do you invent a brand new story? Independent writers The aim of Talk for Writing is to grow independent writers. Here are some suggestions from Pie Corbett as to how this can be achieved in relation to narrative and non-fiction. He then looks at how such independence can be prepared for through the innovation stage of the Talk for Writing process. Moving from discursive non-fiction writing in English to discursive writing across the curriculum Upper KS2 teacher Jamie Grossmith shows how his class applied the skills they learnt about discursive writing in English to History, building their skills across a year. Teaching Handwriting Talk for Writing Primary Expert Emma Caulfield gives an introduction to the process of teaching and developing handwriting in school. The Tiger's Eye - Short-burst Writing In this free video and teaching notes, Pie looks at the power of short-burst writing. An ideal piece to use for staff meetings or to find out how to effectively use short-burst writing yourself. How to plan writing progression year-on-year This document is a teaching guide looking at which types of words and what level of grammar should be introduced at each year of the primary curriculum. The document has been updated in line with the 2016 grammar test requirements in England. Pie Corbett on 'Writing for Pleasure' Of course, if children, or any of us, love doing something then we are more likely to put in the practice and over time become more skilled. Whilst 'Reading for Pleasure' is enshrined in the National Curriculum, the powers that be have yet to make the same link into maths or science or 'Writing for Pleasure'. A new invention - inventing stories with young children How do we guide young children to invent new stories? Jane Ralphs explains how she and Pie Corbett got the children using props and story maps to independently tell their own stories, through a project in Haringey. Jumpstart imitation games This document contains suggestions for 'jumpstart' imitation games - activities to stimulate children's interest in and deepen their understanding of a story.